100x75mm SRBP Pre-Sensitised Single Sided PCB Board

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Single sided copper clad SRBP board coated with a positive photo-resist Suitable for use with our UV exposure boxCovered with light-proof protective film, which should not be removed until the board is usedThe PCB should be exposed using our UV exposure box and a circuit overlay transparency. Exposure time will be from 8 to 15 minutes. Mix together 0.5 litres approximately with one teaspoonful of sodium hydroxide (available from most chemists) and pour into a tray (CH38R). Gently rock the exposed PCB in the tray until the unwanted photo resist is dissolved away. Etch the board in a bath of ferric chloride and after rinsing, expose the PCB in the UV box for a further 10 minutes. Wash off all the remaining etch resist in a tray of sodium hydroxide solution.