Adafruit FLORA Wearable Electronic Platform: Arduino-compatible

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Start your wearables project with the Adafruit Flora Arduino IDE is a simple software platform used by the Adafruit Flora to upload your code Can be powered using a USB-Mini or an JST connected battery Functionality on the field, a very small portable Arduino based board with 8 digital I/O pins, 5 of which are PWM and 3 analogue inputs Using Arduino code for the Adafruit Flora has never been easier, with thousands of tips, tricks and guides readily available online.Reasons to pick the Adafruit FloraThe Adafruit Flora, a great sized, flexible open-source Arduino based board. Start your coding or wearables projects readily available in the huge Maker community, or design one yourself. The best bit about the Adafruit Flora, is not just its portability, it’s the ability to Solder, or even sew the conductive connectors. You can sew your electronics projects directly into fabrics safely, relieving the need to solder while still producing the same finish.Connections and ExpansionThe Adafruit Flora has 8 Digital I/O Pins, allowing you to control a large range of components all at once. Our Adafruit range of modules are of equal size of smaller than the Adafruit Flora, so you don’t need to bridge out far to make a perfect project.Where the Adafruit Flora doesn’t support shields, it can utilise break out boards, which are like tiny shields that link together just as easy usually providing more specific uses. Breakouts allow you to more easily manage a lot of components in any project, you can view our range of breakouts and other Arduino/Adafruit related accessories by clicking