Track flights in real-time with second by second updatesDisplay flight number, aircraft registration, altitude, speed, heading and vertical speed on your PC or laptopReal-time weather informationReal-Time Radar Mode-S and ADS-B DecoderExport data and generate PDF, Excel or XML reportsShare screen shots or send logs automatically to your friendsAlert generation for specific aircraft or in-range flightsRadar player to review airspace recordingsUSB plug and play connection, no need for an external power supplyThe AirNav RadarBox pro is the closest you can be to real world aviation without leaving the comfort of your home thanks to next generation Radar decoding. By Decoding ADB-S (Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast) Radar Signals, you will be able to see on your computer what real Air Traffic Controllers see on their screens in Real-Time. Flight Number, aircraft type, altitude, heading, speed are all updated each second. Included is the award winning software interface developed by the world's leader in flight tracking and monitoring solutions, AirNav Systems.