Fits 50x50mm aperture for use with Kauden Modular faceplate system Flame Retardant Ideal for Audio Visual applications Black finishBrush Modules simply snap into any Kauden faceplate and are commonly used to hide Audio Visual cables behind walls and so giving a clean appearance to your home rather than bundles of wires hanging down the wall or trailing around in the living room. Two plates are usually installed, one for entrance and the other for the exit of cables. Commonly these are at the top and bottom of the wall where the equipment resides. NOTE; They are meant to stand alone in their own faceplate and not intended for use alongside other modules in the same faceplate or alongside other wall sockets in the same channel where hazardous voltages may be accessible through the Brush Module.The Kauden modular faceplate system is a highly flexible way to customise your signal and data outlets to your needs. Slot in the interchangeable modules to the blank faceplates to create the perfect out let for your connectivity. Ideal for either home or office needs. A wide range of modules and faceplates are available. Quarter blanking plates are also available for faceplates with spare space