Low Inertia Solar Motor - 1820 RPM

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High efficiency solar motor Starting current of 30mA at 0.5V 1820 RPM at maximum efficiencyThis is a low inertia motor that can be powered from a suitably rated solar cell. This is because these motors have a starting current of just 30mA at 0.5V. The motor works from a voltage in the 0.5V to 3V range. The motor has red and black 140mm flying connecting leads.Features:Rated voltage: 2VStarting voltage: 0.5VStarting speed: 1000RPMStarting current: 30mAMax efficiency speed: 1820RPMMax efficiency current: 62mAStall current: 170mAAxle diameter: 2mmDimensions: 12.8mm, Dia 24.4mm, shaft 10.55mm Dia 2mmWeight: 22g