Easy to connect thin textile LEDsSmall at only 12mm x 12mm x 12mmNo need for a resistor with one already built on the boardColour: GreenThese bright LEDs are easily stitched into a circuit and are available in five colours. Each one is mounted on a thin triangular board measuring just 12mm along each edge.Resistors are pre–connected to the LEDs so no additional resistors are required when using a 3 volt or 6 volt battery. The LEDs may be powered using a single 3V lithium cell or two lithium cells (6V) for extra brightness. Two to four AA or AAA batteries would also be suitable, though they would be heavier and bulkier. At 3 volts each LED will consume about 5–10mA. At 6 volts each LED will consume about 20mA. Supplied in a strip of 10 LEDs, which can be easily snapped apart.